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s2members on BuddyPress multi-blog enabled situation

PostPosted: October 24th, 2010, 8:40 am
by imjjss
When BuddyPress multi-blog is enabled,
Code: Select all
define ( 'BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG', true );

the community slugs will follow currently viewing blog's url, for example,
to see the same group, if you are on root blog, the url is,
if you are on blog2, the url is

So, if I am the root blog ownner and protect this group, visitors can still access it from blog2, if I am blog2 ownner and protect this group, visitors can access it from root blog's url.

Althought s2members network activated, but each blog ownner can only protect their own url. Once the BP funcional on multi-blog, all community url change depands on which blog you are visiting.

How to handle this?

Re: s2members on BuddyPress multi-blog enabled situation

PostPosted: October 26th, 2010, 1:28 am
by Jason Caldwell
Hi there. Thanks for your patience.

Gotchya. Well, I see the conflict that you're running into. BuddyPress is designed to support ONE single instance of itself across multiple blogs within your network.

Sarah on wrote:It is flawed reasoning to say multiple instances of Buddypress . It does not do anything other than not breaking the links on multiple blogs. So when you define the above line in your wp-config.php/bp-custom.php, the Buddypress pages can be shown on any blog, but again, they all share a single instance of Buddypress.I.e The user base, the directory, group all are shared and same across all blogs.

Please do not confuse multiple instance of buddypress with BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG. Currently, there is no way to run multiple instance of Buddypress on WordPress Mu, until and unless you can do some heavy database tweaking.

In contrast, s2Member IS designed to support multiple instances of itself for each Blog in the network. I believe this is the direction that BuddyPress is going in, possibly in a future release.

Related articles: ... blogs-only ... /#comments ... multiblog/ ... press-3-0/

In your case, it sounds like ONE single instance is what you're looking for?
If so, please explain just a bit further exactly how you want things to function from one blog to another. Will each blog be owned by a different site owner? Will each site owner have access to a Dashboard ( i.e. an admin panel )? How will your Main Site be differentiated from other blogs?

Re: s2members on BuddyPress multi-blog enabled situation

PostPosted: October 26th, 2010, 3:23 am
by imjjss
Thanks for helping on this, Jason!
I did notice that BP-multi function does nothing more than not breaking the links among blogs. My original idea was to arrange groups in a way that easier to be organized under related blogs. Seems not a good idea.