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Specific page access issues

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Specific page access issues

Postby urph9172 » January 17th, 2012, 5:27 pm

Alright, so I have a site set up to where we are selling a membership to a life maintenance program. When you purchase this program(level 1) you gain access to all of our recipes, support team, and workout regime. We also are selling a detox program on the side, which I have set up to be sold as a specific page.

When a member buys the life maintenance program, they can not gain access to the detox program, or vice versa. The way it is working now, is that if you purchase the life maintenance program, it allows the customer to register after purchase, giving the them the ability access again and again.

However when someone purchases the detox program(specific page access) they don't ever get prompted to create a Username or Password. Thus they can only access it the one time that they get redirected after going through the paypal purchase system. I need my customers to be able to register after purchasing both programs, so that they can get to their information when ever they would like. However not give them the ability to gain access to both(unless they purchase both).

If I set up the Detox program as level 2, then they can access the life maintenance program.

I need a solution, I've been all through these forums and can't seem to find one. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thank you,
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Re: Specific page access issues

Postby Eduan » January 18th, 2012, 10:09 am

You might be interested in integrating the Custom Capabilities (a.k.a. CCaps) in this case. With ccaps you can offer access to specific features/posts/pages, but without the limit of the amount of ccaps you can have. They won't have access to the others unless they buy the others.

So you can have a ccap for posting, another for reading posts, another for receiving private messages etc.

For more information, check this video:

Hope this helps. :)
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