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Manually Approve Members + Protect Images

PostPosted: June 8th, 2010, 10:29 am
by rdkcreative
Hello! I just installed the program and I have a couple of questions that I'm hoping someone has the answer to.

I'm offering a free membership but I want to manually approve members who register. Is there a way to do this?

I also want to protect certain images on the site. Would I accomplish this by the URI Access Restrictions?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Manually Approve Members + Protect Images

PostPosted: June 19th, 2010, 7:42 pm
by Jason Caldwell
I'm offering a free membership but I want to manually approve members who register. Is there a way to do this?

Not exactly. However, with s2Member v3.0.6+, you can turn on Open Registration, where new Members will be registered initially with a Level #0 ( as a Free Subscriber ). So you can then review Free Subscribers manually, and upgrade them to Level #1 as you see fit.

I also want to protect certain images on the site. Would I accomplish this by the URI Access Restrictions?

No. Protected files should all go inside the /plugins/s2member-files/ directory. You'll need to configure s2Member's download options. See: `WordPress Dashboard -> s2Member -> Download Options`.