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Different Custom Fields 4 different Membership levels?

PostPosted: July 10th, 2010, 7:38 pm
by SWAlarry
Instead of asking specific questions, I will tell you what I am attempting to accomplish and maybe you have some suggestions?

I am using several levels of membership. Registration for most of the membership levels require similar info that is collected using custom registration fields. This works okay. Is there a way to increase the number of required fields as the membership level increases?

In my business model, teachers purchase access to a testing area for students. The teacher registers the student and the username is sent to the student that sets up a password. The student can log into the testing area, view a video and take a test. The results are sent to the teacher and the students may watch the video and take the test as many times as they like during the next 5 years.

[ Since writing this post and considering your answer to a previous post, I have another option to consider... perhaps my students don't need to be registered users at all? All I would have to do is create a form with an auto-responder that my member would use to sign-up the student and the auto-responder could send the link to the student? If the form is in php, I can use the code snippet in your last answer to pre-populate the test form? -- In short, the member makes the purchase, fills out a form with the student's name, the autoresponder sends a link to the student encoded to allow access to the protected test page, the student clicks the link, visits the test page where they watch the video clip and take a test, on submit, the results from the test form is emailed to my member with a copy to our website admin. Cool? How complicated is this to set up? I should understand everything except how to pre-populate the test form from a link like you suggested: I have a javascript that will handle the test and email response, Do I need to find or create this form in PHP to work as described? ]

1.) Setup 2nd domain and use that domain to handle student registrations. I can accomplish most of what I need by simply placing the registration page the teacher would use to register a student on a protected page (the teacher would be effectively charged for the student's membership because the teacher would buy access to the special student registration page. At this point, the teacher would register the student for a "free" account by entering a username and placing the student's email address in the registration form. The student's email would receive the confirmation requesting the student create a password.

So far, so good. (I think)

The problems I have are:

1.) How do I create the registration page to register the students that I need to place on the "hidden"/protected page that was created? (This way, the teacher makes the purchase and the PayPal info and receipt is sent to the teacher and not the student) (and the custom registration fields are different... just username, email and teacher email)

2.) How do I hide the registration option for students... If the registration option is presented on the main registration page... I miss the opportunity to charge for the product.

My bottom line question is how do I create different registration pages for each individual membership level? Thanks for your patience with all the details I dragged you through to get to my questions.

I do see a relatively simple answer, but it has drawbacks. I could simply create a related website at a different URL running a separate installation of wordpress w/s2Member. I could use the normal user registration routine/page to manage my student membership level. But that way, we have two websites to backup, maintain, secure, etc. I think I would like to avoid that.

Your help and advice is very appreciated! Have a super day!

SWAlarry - Dallas, TX

P.S. - I am just curious, where are you located?

Re: Different Custom Fields 4 different Membership levels?

PostPosted: July 15th, 2010, 6:06 pm
by Jason Caldwell
[ Since writing this post and considering your answer to a previous post, I have another option to consider... perhaps my students don't need to be registered users at all? All I would have to do is create a form with an auto-responder that my member would use to sign-up the student and the auto-responder could send the link to the student? If the form is in php, I can use the code snippet in your last answer to pre-populate the test form?

Correct. I think this would be the most cost-efficient, and least time consuming way of handling it. From what I understand, you're only trying to collect money from teachers, is that correct? If so, then I'd say that Students would not need an account, they would just need an encrypted link that grants them access to a secured area that identifies them as a Student of a particular Teacher.

Ideally, you WOULD be able to give them an account, but given the current limitations with s2Member in this particular area, it would be costly to custom develop this multi-level / sub-account system on your own. We ARE working toward this in a future release of s2Member, but it's not ready yet.

At any rate, this not a huge deal to setup, but it will require some light PHP scripting. You will need a developer to create a form for teachers ( inside their account, after logging in ), so they can fill it out and have encrypted links sent out to their students. The links that go out, can contain some basic information about the Teacher and Student ( i.e. name, email, teacher ID, etc ), giving you the ability to pre-populate the test in various ways.

You will also need a developer to construct the test forms, or at least show you how to pre-populate the fields you need, given the structure of the encrypted links. I can't provide you with a one size fits-all solution on this yet, because it really sounds like it needs to be handled with some light custom coding.

1.) How do I create the registration page to register the students that I need to place on the "hidden"/protected page that was created? (This way, the teacher makes the purchase and the PayPal info and receipt is sent to the teacher and not the student) (and the custom registration fields are different... just username, email and teacher email)

2.) How do I hide the registration option for students... If the registration option is presented on the main registration page... I miss the opportunity to charge for the product.

Both of these are easy for a developer to implement, but difficult to do on your own. You will need a theme developer to integrate this functionality into your WordPress theme, and integrate it with s2Member.

My bottom line question is how do I create different registration pages for each individual membership level? Thanks for your patience with all the details I dragged you through to get to my questions.

Using s2Member Pro, you may create different Registration Forms for each Level, charge different prices, and even package together different sets of Custom Capabilities. However, even with s2Member Pro, the ability to create a different set of Custom Fields for each Level is not yet possible.