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Missing the Refund FEE

PostPosted: July 31st, 2010, 4:53 pm
by martonic
Hi Jason,

I found an issue involving the "Refund / Reversal" Notification.

As you know, when refunds occur, Paypal refunds some fees, but not necessarily 100% of them.

The amount of FEES refunded to the seller is included in the IPN for a refund, but it is not available as a "Custom Replacement Code" in the Refund / Reversal Notification.

Please add this, as it is a necessary figure to know for accurate bookkeeping.

Thank you very much. Regards, Marty

Re: Missing the Refund FEE

PostPosted: August 5th, 2010, 3:43 pm
by Jason Caldwell
OK. Thanks for great feature request.

Just to clarify, s2Member reports back a negative amount in the API Notification.
Code: Select all
%%-amount%% = The Negative Amount of the payment, that was refunded or reversed back to the Customer.

But what you're looking for is the FEE amount, that is credited back to you?
@C/TODO :: negative FEE amount, as Replacement Code for Refunds/Reversals.

Re: Missing the Refund FEE

PostPosted: August 10th, 2010, 11:58 am
by martonic
Yes. It's

vars['paypal']['mc_fee'] in the following hook:



Re: Missing the Refund FEE

PostPosted: August 17th, 2010, 11:43 am
by Jason Caldwell
@COMPLETED/TODO :: negative FEE amount, as Replacement Code for Refunds/Reversals.

This was addressed in s2Member v3.2. Now available.

- API Notifications. s2Member's API Notification for Refund/Reversals, now includes a negative `%%-fee%%` Replacement Code; referencing the `mc_fee` variable sent through PayPal® IPN responses.