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Registration forms

PostPosted: May 13th, 2010, 9:22 pm
by holidaymaine
Hi! Great plugin you guys have here. Thank you from taking to time to create it and making it free for us to use.

I have a question.
Is there a way to make different registration forms for different levels or only make certain form fields display to specific levels?
I need to collect more information from level 2 than from level 1 and the information is required for level 2 to be able to sign up.
any help is appreciated.
Thank you for any help in advance.

Re: Registration forms

PostPosted: May 19th, 2010, 7:03 am
by Jason Caldwell
Very welcome! Thanks for your inquiry. This is not possible in the current version of s2Member. I'll add this to our @TODO list though. If you'd like to see it implemented sooner, rather than later. Please consider making a donation. If you make a donation, I'll get this into the next release if at all possible.