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urgent help needed

Quick Cache Plugin. Speeds up WordPress®.

urgent help needed

Postby freemind » September 23rd, 2011, 7:04 pm

I had quick cache running on a client site. I did a change in the functions.php which was not working

If that is the case solution is simple. Just add this to your theme functions.php:
remove_action('wp_head', 'rel_canonical');

after that the site was not showing anymore. I erased it and wrote the file back. Meanwhile had quick cache stored this false changes and that was it right now for the site.

Nothing shows up anymore. When I clear the cache it is running and never ending.

I copied via FTP the correct function.php again.
I then deleted the plugin via FTP but it did not change. I also deleted all files beside the standard Backup_
from cpanel via FTP. I didn't change. Now here my question:

What other files could I delete which are obviously still in place from the plugin quick cache.

Please tell me what file/s I need to delete.

This urgent.

Thanks.. Maria
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