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Programmatically clear cache of specific page

PostPosted: January 29th, 2011, 3:56 pm
by kiinlee
Hi! And thanks a lot for the great work on this plugin :)

I have one need though. It's pretty much like clearing the cache of a certain post or page when an update is made. I have a page where I aggregate different contents such as the latest posts and other tables from my database. So I'd need the cache of this page to be recreated when an update is made to a post and when i add content to these other tables (which are updated through the WP admin). Is there a way I can force that?

I guess the file could help me but i'm not too sure.

Also, is there a way to cache external images?

Thanks for your help!

Re: Programmatically clear cache of specific page

PostPosted: April 30th, 2011, 12:15 pm
by majick777
When you update a post the cache is updated anyways...

as far as tables, no, and I'm guessing this is where you are having a similar trouble to me,
I was updating custom field info without hitting publish and running into troubles..

if you can try putting this is the code for whatever is updating the tables:
if (function_exists('ws_plugin__qcache_purge_cache_dir')) {ws_plugin__qcache_purge_cache_dir ();}
that's my solution... hope that helps...