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Custom Registration Fields for 0 level users

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Custom Registration Fields for 0 level users

Postby mrgoodfellow » February 2nd, 2012, 5:39 pm

I would like to create different types of 0 level users
I would then like to designate which fields each user has to fill out, for example:

Student (level 0) -
Classes this semester:
Email Address:
Home Address:

Teacher (level 0) -
Home Room:
Email Address:
Home Address:

As you can see their are 2 fields that I would like both users to fill out but also a unique field for each one as well.

I know this is available on different users but is there a way I can set the required fields based on ccapps?

Please let me know what version this feature might be available on.
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